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Add life to dull pictures by using photo editor

Photo editing is an essential part of photography. Since the time photography existed photographers used editing as a mean to improve their photos. Earlier the editing options and techniques were limited. However, with development in the IT sector, various editing programs have been developed. If the photographer wishes to make their photos creative, they need some editing software with advanced editing tools. There is various photo editor for mac that can be used by Mac users.

List of free photo editing software

  • Picasa: Picasa is a free downloadable image editor which provides the user with some basic as well as advanced photo editing options. It offers the user with options to fix contrast, color adjustments; it also is used to adjust the shadow of the image.
  • GIMP: Many professional photographers prefer using GIMP over other editing software. It is also a free photoshop software. It allows the user to use layer masks, transparency, etc. It also provides features like cropping, rotation, filters, etc.
  • PhotoPlus: PhotoPlus is another photo editing software which is free to use. It is easy to use hence, can even be used by the beginners. It provides editing tools like smudge, layer effects, adjusts and many others.

Reasons to use photo editing software

  • The photo editor can be used by the photographer to remove unwanted background that diverts the attention from the main subject.
  • It is also useful in case the photographer wishes to enhance the colors of the picture.
  • It can also be used to crop unwanted portions of the image which reduces the beauty of the image.
  • Image editor enables the user to change the black & white picture into a colorful one and vice versa.
  • To fix sharpness of the image photo editor is the best option to use. It adds sharpness to the blurred images.