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Four Reasons to Rely on a Personal Injury Attorney When Seeking Injury Compensation

A lot of possible hazards can be found at a construction site. In fact, surveys show that many construction site accidents happen every year. While a lot of resulting injuries are minor, some could have been prevented. If you have been injured in a construction accident, you may want to pursue monetary compensation for your medical expenses, lost income, and other damages. Experienced injury attorneys at Sattiraju & Tharney can help you secure maximum compensation from the party responsible for the accident. Here’s what you can expect from your lawyer:

Determine the Value of Your Claim

Depending on the circumstances of your accident, an attorney can help you determine the worth of compensation you deserve to receive. In a lot of construction accident cases, local workers’ comp laws limit the compensation claims can get. But if an injury results from third-party negligence, a victim can pursue additional compensation from this party. Your attorney can help you understand how much compensation you can expect to get. 

Help You Secure a Bigger Settlement

A construction site injury may cause you to miss work, causing financial difficulty for you and your loved ones. A construction accident lawyer can help you pursue a fair settlement from the insurance company of your employer or a third party responsible for the accident. settlements are usually based on your claim’s value that your lawyer can define. They will calculate this value based on your previous and future lost income, estimated past and future medical expenses, property damage, and pain and suffering. 

Ensure You File a Claim on Time

Your lawyer makes sure you are aware of your case’s timeline and the deadlines you must meet. In Syracuse, you can file a construction accident claim within three years from the date of the accident. The sooner you hire a lawyer the less likely you can make mistakes such as missing significant details. Also, your lawyer knows when you should accept an insurance company’s settlement offer, making sure you get the full compensation that can help you get back on track. 

Represent You in Court

If settlement negotiations with an insurance company do not produce your desired outcome, you can take your case to trial. When this happens, your attorney will be your legal representative in court who will argue your case and present evidence to convince the jury or judge that you deserve compensation and that somebody else’s negligence caused the accident.