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Seven Tips That Help End Back Pain

However, when we are in pain we realize how much we are affected. Our spine is divided into a cervical spine, which is the uppermost part of our spine, above the shoulders, forms our “nape”, the thoracic spine, the mid-back region, and lumbar spine, the lower back region.

In this brief article, I will talk about the lumbar spine, although the suggestions presented can benefit our spine as a whole. The following are some tips on how to protect our lumbar spine daily and to increase our sense of well-being.

1) Maintain good spine posture

The lumbar spine has a natural curvature that we call lordosis, which is characterized by being a slight hollow in our back. Maintaining the “neutral position” is nothing more than maintaining this curvature in the performance of our daily activities.

The opposite of maintaining this neutral position would be to round the spine, similar to what happens when we lean our body forward.

And what makes the neutral position of the spine ideal? In this position there is greater stability of the spine, the muscles are in a position where a slight contraction can maintain the proper position of their vertebrae, the ligaments are protected because they are not excessively stretched and the intervertebral disc (the structure that is located between the vertebrae, functioning as a shock absorber) is protected from the possible herniation, such as the dreaded and painful herniated disc.

2) Carry objects close to the body

When we carry objects, especially heavy objects, the closer we keep them to our bodies, the less force we will have to make, and the less the load that will be imposed on our lumbar spine.

As an example, take a backpack and hold it with your arm straight, then bend your arm and see how it gets easier, both for the arm and the back.

3) Sit correctly

Sitting with your hips and knees bent at 90 degrees is popularly known as “the right way” to sit. However, it is not ideal. That’s because in it we lose the natural curvature of the lumbar spine, the lordosis that we talked about in item one.

To maintain this healthy curve of the spine, the angle between our thighs and our torso must be slightly greater than 90º. And how to achieve this? Putting support under the butt, so that the height of your hips is slightly above the height of your knee.

A folded pillow is the best bet. This helps to maintain the neutral position of the lumbar spine so that it will be more protected and you will be more comfortable.

4) When working seated, take breaks

Getting up from time to time while working while seated is essential to lessen spine overload. After standing for a few seconds, stretch, stretching your body up and back, take a deep breath.

Try to avoid leaning your torso forward (this similarly overloads your spine as if you were sitting). You can even associate waking up with work or day-to-day activities, such as answering the phone.

5) Maintain physical fitness

Keep your back and abdomen muscles in good condition, but don’t neglect the rest of your body. With the glutes, thighs, legs and arms strengthened your spine will be even more protected from possible problems. Another important tip is to try to maintain good body flexibility.